BTL - Volume 10 - Teaching 303

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309  
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Book of True Life - Volume 10

Teaching 303

1 People: Since this teaching marks the beginning of the last year of my manifestation through the human intellect, I urge you to undergo a deep and precise examination in the light of your conscience, so that you may be able to answer spiritually when I ask you: "what have you understood of my work, and what are the decisive steps you have taken along this path? If then, although you have concentrated on the bottom of your heart, you do not get a clear idea of what you have done well and of what you have done badly, you will find in my word a perfect judgment of your works.

2 It is necessary to establish a balance through conscience before you take the first step in the last year of my announcement. For I want you to offer me at the end of it the fruit of obedience, understanding and spiritualization as harvest and tribute of your efforts.

3 The period of time that the year 1950 covers will be full of events that will unsettle the world. All areas of your life will be shaken. The spiritual worship of mankind in religions will be afflicted, the strong nations will be afflicted, science will be amazed at the great signs in nature, and human life in general will be full of facts and events that men will call strange and unusual.

4 You know that all this will happen to mark the last year of my announcement through - for men - visible and tangible events because men would not perceive the signs for the end of this period of time when I would give them to them spiritually because of their doubtfulness and their materialization.

5 All the trials and events that will shake the world during the year 1950 will be a parable of what happened in that second time in Jerusalem on the day that Jesus died on the cross.

6 If you really prepare yourselves and observe what is going to happen this year, you will become aware of the darkness, of those dark forces that are penetrating the world - the storms that will whip peoples and institutions, and the time when humanity will spiritually feel my presence and intuitively see the light of the Third Age. What will that time be? The last moment of my announcement - the moment when the curtain of the temple will be spiritually torn apart, as it happened in Jerusalem, and mankind will then see my light and recognize the truth.

7 Fear not, people, for my mercy will cover you, and your prayer and your carrying out of your orders will be like a shell to protect you in adversity. Fear not also to remain alone when my word ends among you. For truly, I tell you, none of my gifts with which I have adorned your being will separate from you. He who has learned to lead multitudes of men will continue to lead hearts. He who has received my ray in his mind will have great inspirations. He who has been a tool or voice bearer of the spiritual world will continue to be receptive to that voice. And whoever has had the gift of the word, interpretation, healing or prophecy will see the power of his gifts increase when he truly prepares himself, clothed with spirituality and with faith.

8 Make much preparation so that, after my departure, you may form a strong people and be able to receive everyone who comes to you, without feeling too uneducated or too insignificant toward the scientists, toward the titles they hold, or toward those who put you to the test because they think they have knowledge of the truth about the spiritual.

9 If now, in the time of my announcement, these meeting houses have been full, I want them to be no longer sufficient afterward. For this will indicate the right time for this people to set out and spread throughout the world.

10 I know that you tell Me in your heart: "Lord, your word full of power, majesty and essence has worked the miracle of drawing crowds of people to this light. But after this time - who then will perform the miracle of drawing crowds of people and caravans as you have done?" Disciples, why are you such petty believers? Are the gifts I have entrusted to you not certain? Have you not witnessed at close quarters the miracles you have performed through them? Verily, I tell you, in future times you will do still greater works, sufficient for the miracle to happen, by which you fulfill my highest commandments of unity, obedience and spiritualization.

11 Verily, I tell you, in the moments in which my word can be heard through the voice bearer, not only the soul of this people trembles, but all beings who likewise need the divine light in the spiritual valley

12 Not the sound of the human word reaches them, but the meaning and inspiration of my messages. For my voice is universal, and its echo reaches all worlds and homes where a child of God dwells.

13 I send to every world a ray of my light. To you I have let this light reach in the form of human words, just as it reaches other homes by inspiration.

14 In the light of that divine ray all spirits will unite, making of it a ladder of heaven, leading them to the same point, the Spiritual Kingdom, promised to all of you who are spiritual particles of my divinity.

15 Can you imagine the rejoicing of all those beings who were connected to you on earth by physical bonds, and who today live beyond your world, when they learn that the voice they hear is also heard by some on earth? They have not moved away from you, nor have they forgotten you, nor do they refrain from doing anything for those who for a short time remained longer in the earthly valley. Their caress and their blessings are constantly upon you.

16 There are those who were your parents, children, brothers and sisters, spouses, friends, or benefactors. In spirit, they are simply your brothers and sisters, but their love for you is the same or even greater, just as their power to help and protect you has grown greater.

17 Pray for them, people, and you also shall not cease to love them, and to remember them: for your remembrance and your prayers are a sweet comfort in their struggling. Never imagine them confused or dwelling in darkness, for this would be as if you were able to pass judgment and judgement on them. If men here on earth tend to be so imperfect and unjust as to condemn the affairs of their neighbors - what does it mean only when it is a matter of judgments over some soul?

18 I tell you again, that it is only up to you to help them by your prayer and by your good works in the world.

19 Do not feel the desire for them to manifest themselves in any material way in your life - be it by taking possession of a brain, or by any other means, for then you would be denying the spiritualization I have taught you Also do not set a particular anniversary for them to call them. Remember that the spiritual lives beyond earthly time, and that therefore every moment can be suitable to approach them through spiritual prayer.

20 How many of those beings, whom you have often imagined as suffering confusion, are precisely those who have endeavored to bring you closer to that path of light, which they themselves could not find while they were on earth! Shed no more tears for them, and certainly do not grieve because they went into the Spiritual Valley. They did not really die; they left only a short time before the moment when you will have to part. But so it was then determined by me that they prepare the way for you. Do I really have to tell you that you have no business in the cemeteries, and that the tears you shed over the graves are tears of ignorance, materialization and delusion?

21 The soul of them for whom ye weep is alive. But you insist on thinking them dead in that body which disappeared into the earth. You think them lost, while they await you full of love, to give you witness to the truth and to life. You consider them distant or insensitive and indifferent to your struggles and sufferings. But you do not know how many boulders they remove from your path and how many dangers they save you from.

22 Ignorance compels you to be unjust and even cruel to yourselves and to others, although I must tell you Who can be ignorant after hearing any of my teaching speeches?

23 My word is the ray of light that must embrace you all so that you may remain united in the fire of my love. If, after hearing it, you believe it and obey it, all you who love and glorify Me will remain united from this moment on.

24 The light of my Spirit has revealed to you all the gifts hidden in the core of your being - all that you have carried with you from your origin, without suspecting it. I have let you know that it is now time for you to truly know yourselves, to meet yourselves and know your inheritance so that you may be of great spirit.

25 From time to time I have given you revelations. First it was the law, then my teaching, finally the full knowledge of your spiritual mission.

26 You say that I have been with men three times, but it is true that I have always been. That Father, who in the First Time revealed His law of righteousness to mankind; who in the Second Time let His "Word" become man in Jesus, His Son; and who now makes Himself spiritually known to the world, has given you in all ages that divine parable, the meaning of which speaks to you of your spiritual development and lets you know that He who has spoken to you at all times has been one God, one Spirit, and one Father.

27 When I told you that you should renounce pleasures, you misinterpreted my word and finally meant that it is more pleasing to me to see you suffering than rejoicing Since I am your Father - how can you think that I would rather see you weeping than smiling? When I told you that you should renounce pleasures, I meant only those that are perishable for the soul or harmful to your body. But I say that you are to obtain for the spirit and for the heart beneficent satisfactions that are attainable for you.

28 The trial that man's life contains is so hard that it is necessary to sweeten it by all those spiritual and physical delights which make man's burden of his cross more lovable and lighter.

29 I bless all those who, in the warmth of their home, find the best pleasures of their existence and who strive to make a service to God out of their parental love for children, the love of children for their parents, and the love of brothers and sisters among themselves. For that unity, that harmony and that peace is like the harmony which exists between the Universal Father and his spiritual family.

30 In these homes the light of the soul shines, the peace of my kingdom dwells, and when sufferings arise, they are easier to bear, and the moments of trial are less bitter Even more meritorious are those who seek satisfaction in bringing these to others, and who enjoy the healthy joy of their neighbors. These are apostles of joy, and they are fulfilling a great mission.

31 Verily, I tell you, if you would know how to seek moments of satisfaction and joy, as well as to keep hours of inner peace, you would have such on all days of your earthly existence. But for this you must first raise your soul, let your feelings and the way of thinking about life become more generous.

32 This message I am sending you through my Word is filled with light that will illuminate your way and give your being the upward development that will teach you to live in peace and enjoy all that I have blessed your existence with in a healthy way This humanity still has to struggle hard to fight the shadows of pain and overcome its tendency to false pleasures and deceptive satisfactions. It will have to fight against its religious fanaticism, which prevents it from recognizing the truth; it will have to fight against the fatalism that makes it believe that everything is heading for final destruction from which no one can escape, and it will have to fight against its materialism, which makes it seek only transitory pleasures - sensual pleasures that plunge the soul into an abyss of vices, of pain, of despair and darkness.

33 I give you my light so that you may leave the shadows and on this planet, which you have turned into a valley of tears, finally discover the true delights of the soul and the heart, beside which all other pleasures are small and insignificant.

34 I am currently giving you the new teaching that is meant for all men. Not all have prayed in expectation of my coming, but pain has kept them awake and prepared them to receive me. The world has the experience that the "people of Israel" left to it since the Second Age, so that no one will distrust Divine Justice. Do you not know that the spiritually poor who longed for the coming of the Lord to receive from Him the light of hope and knowledge were given the gifts of prophecy, divine science and spiritual power? When you ask me about the whereabouts of those souls, I will tell you that they inhabit worlds of life where everything that is great on this earth planet is like sheer dust of the earth in their eyes.

But if you ask me what happened to those who did not accept anything from my kingdom because my word and my promises seemed pathetic to them, I tell you that they belong to those who incarnate and reincarnate until the end of times because they longed for gold, the world, flesh and power. And that is why the world with its miserable riches and its false power was given to them justly and for their spiritual reparation.

35 They have been afflicted for a time by divine righteousness, but have not been banished from the way of salvation which leads to the kingdom of truth. Therefore, now that I am sending you the light of my Spirit abundantly, I will eagerly seek them to ask them whether the time of trial that was given to them is now enough, and to make them understand that now is the Third Time - the very one in which the times I spoke of when I referred to the judgment on the Jewish people will be completed.

36 You all have an appointment with me and will have to unite to hear me because you all have to hear me.

37 All things shall be laid on the scales of my righteousness, upon which shall be weighed all works that are not yet judged. My presence and my power will make themselves felt as they never did before. For after the chaos all shall return to its course.

38 Watch and pray continually, lest ye be surprised, O people. But verily, I tell you, if you watch and pray for the world, there will be an invisible mantle that will protect you because you were able to love your fellow men and feel their pain as your own.

39 I repeat that I will make my presence, my power and my righteousness tangible. If I have allowed man in his depravity to profane all that is holy in life, I will set a limit to his depravity. When I have let him wander on the way of freedom of will, I will prove to him that everything has a limit. If I have allowed him to satisfy in excess his striving for power and for greatness in the world, I will stop him on his way so that he may judge his work by means of his conscience, so that he may answer my questions.

40 I have allowed pain, destruction and death to be felt in your lives, so that their so bitter fruits would make you understand the species of trees you have cultivated. But I will also make sure that the pain disappears and the soul recovers and comes to its senses, because from this the hymn of love will rise. It has been said and also written down that this day will come when men will have clothed their souls with the white garment of exaltation.

41 All will then be saved, all will be forgiven, all will be comforted. Where then is death, where eternal damnation and fire without end?

42 I created neither death nor hell. For when my spirit formed the idea of creation, I felt only love, and from my womb arose only life. If death and hell exist, they must be human works - because they are transitory - and you know, as you have traveled, that nothing human is eternal.

43 Here is your master, chosen people, and show you the way anew. I make you brave soldiers who know how to fight and defend my cause.

44 United with my love, you will set out to go over the face of the earth and give life to the "dead", showing this way with the light of my Holy Spirit to those who have gone astray - to those who have become the destroyers of mankind You will bring this bread of eternal life, this "milk and honey" on which you have nourished yourselves, everywhere.

45 You are my chosen people, whom I do not make a difference between colors or races. To all of you I have issued the call so that you may know your true God, so that you may not be infected by the confusion of the world. You are my chosen ones, to whom I have left an inheritance in which I have placed my gifts, and with whom I have left a jewel of inestimable value so that you may be recognized by mankind.

46 I have purified and prepared your spiritual eyes so that you may enter into the hereafter, see my presence and bear witness to the multitudes of men. I have entrusted to you my wisdom, the book written in golden letters, that you may never stray from the path, and that you may lead mankind through it.

47 I have changed you into my prophets, that you may bear witness to what the Father shows you in the hereafter, that you may also prepare the generations to come.

48 In this third time the Master has given the call to you and invited you to his table. Some have come in the material body, and some as spirit beings, but you have all enjoyed the nectar of life.

49 You hear my word and say, "The Lord comes from the heights of heaven. To this I answer you: If by "heavenly heights" you mean the pure, the perfect, the eternal, and the wise, you are right. But if by "heavenly heights" you mean the material place that is above you in the Infinite, you have succumbed to error. For I am in everything and everywhere, I am omnipresent, and my spirit fills and encompasses everything.

50 When you say that I "come down", you are saying the right thing, because I come down from the perfect to the imperfect when I make myself known to you. For I humanize and even materialize myself to make myself perceptible to you, who are human.

51 This people here, now hearing my word, will soon understand the meaning of what I am teaching you at present, and will be prepared to transmit my message to others

52 At present I am receiving these multitudes here on behalf of mankind, and when I refer to mankind, I am not only speaking of the people of the present, but of all generations that have inhabited the earth during six spiritual periods. The messages that I have brought to you during these six times are exactly what I have symbolized by the name "seal," one of which - as you already know - still needs to be loosened so that it reveals to you the meaning or significance of all the others - that high significance of the life of the soul, of development and perfection.

53 As a source of wisdom, as an inexhaustible fountain of knowledge, I will leave mankind the heritage of this Word, in which it will find the highest bliss of the Divine, the spiritual and the Eternal

54 Already the seed has begun to spread over the earth. But when the seed has germinated, I will send the water that makes the fields of the Spirit fertile. Then you will see spiritualization blossoming in the hearts of mankind.

55 Today the number of newcomers is small, and even smaller is the number of disciples. But they will multiply and spread over all the places and lands of the earth and testify that a time has come to men, which is called the "sixth seal" because it is the sixth spiritual stage of man on earth, and which is also called the "third time" because it is the third communication of my spirit with that of man - a time when Elijah has brought you together from the different paths.

I have sent you to this world anew so that you may perfect yourselves in the fulfillment of your difficult mission. My teaching prepares you to spiritualize yourselves.

56 I also speak to you as a friend, so that you may no longer feel alone in the trials of this world, so that you may have in your hearts faith and trust in your God, who makes himself known and speaks to you through the human intellect. If you have not felt Me, it is because you have not prepared yourselves. But if you prepare your hearts and lift up your souls to Me, you will feel Me and see Me with the eyes of your spirit.

57 I have spoken to you at this time to remind you of the law, and that you may fulfil it. I have allowed the spiritual world to live with you so that it may counsel you, stand by you, and protect you. These spirit beings fight and work with the love of the Father in their spirit.

58 The Word I am bringing you is plain and simple, so that you may all understand Me, so that you may all be enlightened by the light of My Holy Spirit I want that when you no longer hear Me through these organs of mind, you as my disciples be prepared to go forth and witness my presence with your words and good examples.

59 Men will come to you to ask you what is the nature of the teaching, what is the spiritual meal which your Master has entrusted to you for mankind But you are to show them the meaning and the love that is contained in my words.

60 The truth will win the victory at all times. I give you words of truth so that you may dry the tears of your fellow men with them. In this time when you have the freedom of creeds, do not let yourselves be enslaved by lies. I am teaching you again at present through my love, and in my hand you will not discover a whip to force you to believe in me. For if it were so, I would no longer be your father and your God.

61 Seek my divine glory, teach yourselves to forgive. I have entrusted you with gifts so that you may make good use of them and become my good disciples, giving guidance to mankind. Elijah and my spiritual world are with you so that your cross will not be too heavy for you.

62 Blessed are the men of good faith who open their hearts to this message, and blessed are the men of good will who follow my instructions, for they will be children of light and peace.

My peace be with you! 

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